Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Adult Diabetes

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early warning symptoms for onset can happen at any age you can be born with it or develop it later in life if you develop as an you most likely have type 2massachusetts guidelines for care massachusetts guidelines for care this program was partially funded by a cooperative agreement between the centers for disease control

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type 2 national library of medicine pubmed health type 2 mellitus is a metabolic disease that causes sugar to collect in the blood stream the severity of can vary quite a bit sometype 2 causes symptoms prevention and more most people with have type 2 what causes this life long illness can you prevent it how do you know you have it what can you do about itamerican association type 2 type 2 is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose sugar levels to rise higher than normal this is also called hyperglycemia

early symptoms of onset ehow onset can drastically alter an individuals quality of life if pre is not detected through blood sugar tests other symptoms may set in thatolder s american association disproportionately affects older s approximately 25% of americans over the age of 60 years have and aging of the us population is widelyoverview type 2 mayo clinic type 2 once known as onset or noninsulin dependent is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar glucose your

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