Friday 30 June 2017

Diabetes And Elevated Blood Pressure

"Study gives strongest link yet between blood pressure and diabetes," says The Guardian. At first glance these might be considered two unconnected conditions, but research over the years has led to diabetes being classified as a risk factor for If you think sweating, rapid pulse rate and anxiety will warn you of high blood pressure, then you are mistaken. High blood pressure is a silent killer. It implies that there are no visible symptoms of high blood pressure. If you have diabetes, your Sometimes, disease-prevention really is this simple: Adults with high Type 2 diabetes than those whose sleep-time blood pressure saw a deep and sustained drop from daytime levels. The interim effects of taking blood pressure drugs at night were quickly Diabetes and high blood pressure are related diseases that feed one another and tend to get worse with time. In biological terms, the relationship between diabetes and high blood pressure is a type of positive feedback loop, where one step causes a second Software companies are rolling out nifty high-tech health devices that sync with smartphones, helping people to manage their health conditions and share their information with doctors and caregivers. When Anita Mirchandani’s father-in-law monitored his Diabetes during pregnancy, known as gestational diabetes, raises a woman's risk of high blood pressure years later, but eating healthy may bring that risk back down, according to a new study. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables and whole grains .

Diabetes and high blood pressure are closely linked. Find out why high blood pressure can lead to diabetes complications, and what you can do to prevent or control it. Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension) are a dangerous combination Many people know that high blood pressure and diabetes increase the risk of getting heart disease. But less well known is the fact that they are also powerful risk factors for kidney disease. The kidneys filter toxins and wastes from the bloodstream This study examined the association between blood glucose levels, blood pressure, mortality risk and risk of diabetic complications. The authors concluded that high blood pressure and an HbA1c greater than 7% are associated with the risk of mortality and .

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